When you hear complaints about disparity in income levels, they tend to have an overtone suggesting some sort of oppression or grand scheme to keep one group …
Construction Activity Lagging
One part of the economy that is both easy to predict and foundational to growth is the construction sector. It generally is the result of other parts of …
Canada’s Hidden Asset in China Talks
It’s too bad Regina and Ottawa are so far apart these days. The trade challenges between Canada and China have many offering opinions on the stance this …
Oh How the Efficient Have Fallen
The problems over lag times for issuing building permits at City Hall in Regina may involve more than simple bureaucratic pencil pushing by a department that …
Farm Ownership Rules Send Immigrants Other Places
Every decade or so we get a flurry of activity on the issue of farm land ownership. This all started back in the 70s when German investors starting acquiring …
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Housing Within Reach in Saskatchewan Cities
This is something our economic development agencies may want to use in their promotional activities. The latest quarterly report on housing affordability …
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