It is hard to ignore the growth of the province’s investment attraction process. The latest name added to the list is One Sky Forest Products, a $250 million OSB plant to be established at Prince Albert. An announcement of the project yesterday suggested it would generate 700 new jobs in a sector that was worth more than $1 billion to the provincial economy last year.
The mill is a partnership involving a well-established BC operator with a track record of working with Indigenous partners. The Saskatchewan operation includes ownership stakes for the Montreal Lake, Big River and Wahpeton First Nations and the Meadow Lake Tribal Council.
This comes on the heels of a straw-based fibre processing operation in the GTH at Regina along with four canola crushing plants. And then there was the $7.5 billion announcement from BHP that the Jansen Potash mine would go ahead.
Investment is a primary driver of any economy. It creates jobs and wealth but it also sends a signal to the marketplace that the investors have confidence in the province and its ability to yield sustainable returns.