It’s called Quitters Day and it is this Friday. The second Friday in January is set aside to recognize that large cohort of people who make New Year’s resolutions and then abandon them…usually by the end of the second week of the year. By the end of the month, two-thirds of new year aspirations are dropped.
This year is especially noteworthy as our national leader didn’t even make it to the end of the second week.
While the majority of the resolutions tend to focus on weight and exercise, financial objectives also find their way on to these lists and one way to get over the hurdle of Quitter’s Day is to start small.
Smaller objectives are easier to reach. You can work up from there. Another useful tool is to partner up with someone or a group to encourage you.
Trying to achieve too many things is also difficult. Successful CEOs I’ve worked with try to identify the ONE BIG THING – often a strategic objective – they absolutely want to get done by year end.