In a world where personal demands sometimes conflict with work-related demands, we can cause ourselves a lot of heart ache and grief by trying to live up to expectations. And often that comes in the form of accomplishments such as filling a bucket list….creating one and then ticking them off.
A new report on how Canadians look at the notion of a bucket list prepared for CIBC says we tend to be a bit more practical than you’d think when considering a wish list.
The most prevalent ‘dream’ on the wish list is to travel with Europe being our top preference. And our most ‘practical’ wish is to be debt free. More than half of us ticked that one.
Almost half of us also checked off the box that often appears in New Year’s resolutions: working on our health or taking up a sport as part of a drive to embrace positive lifestyle changes.
The survey revealed that 80-percent of us actually have a bucket list with half of those people saying practical objectives are more worthwhile than ‘dreamy’ ones.
Source: – Canadians’ Bucket List (CNW Group/CIBC)