The labor market in Saskatchewan continues to tighten up. This signal is contained in the latest report on job vacancies. It comes from November.
Over the past year or two, Saskatchewan workers have enjoyed the benefit of having lots of vacancies which gives them more options as they pursue employment. But that has gradually shifted and November’s report is another step on the track.
Job vacancies – which is the number of positions created by employers that are unfilled – fell in November, dropping to 15,000. That translates into 2.9-percent of total employment. It wasn’t that long ago we were seeing that number sitting in the 4.5 to 5.0 percent range which was the highest in the country. Now we’re at the lower end.
This report does not tell us whether the changes are the result of a slowing market that is generated fewer jobs or if it is simply that we are matching openings with prospects more effectively.
That latter concept carries considerable some weight as Saskatchewan has been a national leader in matching immigrants with positions under the provincial nominee program.