The data contained in the latest jobs report which came out last Friday offer an interesting insight into how the national economy as well as various provincial markets are performing for working people. And one economics team has taken it a step further to look at how various cities are doing.
And, it turns out, Saskatoon is doing very well. Number one in Canada actually.
This from the team at BMO Bank of Montreal. They use a variety of data from the report, giving different components a value and then aggregating the findings to develop a ranking.
And Saskatoon came out as having the best labor market performance. That is up seven points from last year. This is based on population growth, the market’s ability to generate work for new arrivals, and the standard employment and unemployment rates.
Affordable housing is also a factor. Cheaper houses and plentiful jobs make a city a magnet for new arrivals.
Regina, on the other hand, fell 21 points in this year’s BMO ranking based on its higher unemployment rate.