Just over 40,000 - that’s the number of businesses in this province with employees. It’s been a while since the size of the private sector made waves in the …
Manufacturing Slowdown
After an extended run as one of the best performers in the provincial economy, our manufacturers are navigating some choppy waters these days. The month of …
Women on the Move
Sometimes risk taking is actually career building. American author and expert on the role of women in senior executive positions Wanda Wallace says the glass …
Check These Numbers
These are numbers Elections Canada might want to look into. Employment numbers were going up while the economy was slowing in the months running up to the …
Being Your Own Boss Breeds Confidence
There’s just no substitute for being the captain of your own ship. You know what’s going on right under your feet….it’s just the world around you that’s …
Shedding Political Risk
The art of business ownership is taking risk. But that usually means calculated risk…knowing how to weigh the pros and cons in making a decision. Risk comes …