The labor market is getting tighter in this country and Saskatchewan is beginning to feel the same trend.
The latest job vacancy numbers show the ratio of people who are unemployed compared to the number of unfilled jobs is rising. In other words, there are fewer openings for people looking to secure employment.
Saskatchewan has generally been at the top end of the vacancy equation with a large number of unfilled positions looking for suitable candidates. In fact, we have been the national leader in this one for most of the year.
But the numbers changed in June when vacancy numbers fell by 2,600 to fewer than 18,000. That is a vacancy rate of 3.4-percent moving us into fourth place among the provinces, stripping Saskatchewan of its position as the best place in the nation to find a job.
Interestingly, Manitoba moved into that spot in June with a mismatch of job seekers to employment openings.
Nationally, the largest volume of unfilled jobs is found in health care and the accommodation and food service sectors.