Developments on the national political scene in last year or so has been interesting as we saw Justin Trudeau’s popularity plummet to the status of a skunk at a garden party. And now members of Team Trudeau are looking to put distance between themselves and his legacy.
Every Liberal leadership candidate has reversed their position on Capital Gains, for example.
The latest space-seeker is Saskatchewan-born Jonathon Wilkinson, Canada’s energy minister. Actually, putting him in charge of promoting our natural resource sector is like asking the fox to guard the chicken coop, however, that is after all, the Trudeau way.
But, speaking in Washington a few days ago, even Wilkinson was lamenting that all our pipelines went south and now that President Trump has threatened tariffs, wishing we had gone ahead with pipelines to the West and even east. Well…no kidding.
In Saskatchewan, we’ve known Trudeau had to go for eight years – never giving him a single seat. Now Toronto has figured it out… turns out, we are smarter than what the folks in the Big Smoke thought.