We may have changed jobs as part of the Great Resignation or Great Reshuffle that swept North America when COVID forced us into lockdown.
But that may be only the beginning of the change we’re planning with a third of us still looking for a higher-paying job.
That finding comes from a survey of Canadians by CIBC two years after the lockdown began. While one-in-six of us changed jobs and one-in-eight bought a new house, nearly half of us are planning more big changes.
It turns out the pandemic was the trigger for some deep thoughts on what is important to us. And many acted on that discovery – like the 10 per cent of us who got a new pet. But that is the tip of the iceberg.
Forty-five per cent of the survey respondents plan further major life changes but the majority of those feel their financial situation is holding them back.
This includes their knowledge of financial matters. The largest percentage said they need advice on investing while others cited a need for help in retirement planning, plain old budgeting or debt reduction.