One of the key factors in generating economic growth or expansion is investment. When money flows into projects – whether public or private – things …
Job Numbers Continue to Hold Up
More than one thousand people were added to payrolls in this province in January. The first of month of the year is not always a good one for job …
Feeling the Pressure
Every time we think the oil and gas industry may be finding some solid ground that will enable them to rebuild, something pops up to remind us that we still …
Positively Upbeat
This is going to be a better year. And even better next. That’s the basic theme of the latest provincial economic forecast issued by RBC Royal Bank. It says …
Sask Jobs and Wages Remain Solid
Sometimes it can be hard to read the tea leaves when tracking the indicators telling us how the marketplace is performing. We have to examine a basket of things …
Retail Far From Dead
It is still too early to tell how last year’s Christmas season went for retailers as we await the finalized data to flow in but the run-up suggests we need a …