The numbers are in: we overspent on Christmas 2019. That’s the Canadian story for this past Christmas. We ignored our budgets and personified the phrase: it …
The Art of Retirement
No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. That quote, often attributed to Sun Zhu in the Art of War, is all about planning for some major event in the …
Funding a Financial Cushion
Canadians are changing their savings habits as more and more of us get the feeling we’re headed for a recession. A year-end survey for Bloomberg News showed …
TFSA or RRSP? TFSA is Gaining Traction
As Canadians wrestle with trying to get a better handle on their finances to mark the New Year, they try to answer questions like: should I save or pay down …
A Little Less Red Please
Make It Ten Years in a Row With those New Year’s resolutions still clear in your mind, you might find it interesting to see what others are setting as goals …
He Called It – 40 Years Ago
Sometimes things are evident, just not put into context. A good example is Defined Benefit versus Defined Contribution pension plans. This topic is at …