No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. That quote, often attributed to Sun Zhu in the Art of War, is all about planning for some major event in the future and that may also include retiring.
As we head into RSP season, we’ll be increasingly seeing studies and surveys on the art of retirement – how to plan for it and so on. The first of them comes from RBC Royal Bank and asks a set of question to one group planning to retire and another that has already retired. The idea is to see how much of the plan becomes reality.
Not all that much, it seems.
40-percent of people in this province say they will spend time as snowbirds – going south in the winter. Turns out only 23-percent actually achieve it.
Almost 60-percent figure they will do a little work after they retire. That was the highest percentage in the country and one that was missed by a mile…only 18-percent completed that goal. But that is still better than any other region of the country.