The farther we move down the road of working from home, the more complicated this story gets.
The notion of working from home — sometimes called hybrid workplaces or working remotely — became a mainstream discussion point during COVID as many organizations had no choice but to have their personnel work from home. But that was done in what amounted to unique or emergency situations.
Now with the heat of a pandemic behind us, it has become part of major labour negotiations and we are seeing some new warts, blemishes that will have to be worked out.
Some other concepts are surfacing. For example, will households with remote workers require multiple Internet hook-ups separating personal from business activity? Who pays for what, who sets the performance standards for these connections and when can they be active?
Online or cyber security may be more challenging with multiple or even hundreds of worksites to be monitored by the IT department. This will no doubt be something insurance companies may consider a higher risk when quoting cyber insurance.