It is starting to look like we’re finding something of a rhythm in our approach to replacing vehicles as we Re-Open after the COVID lockdown. When the …
Vehicle Counts Up but They’re Older
We are a province that likes its vehicles. Basically, there is one registered for every resident of the province. At the end of last year, 1,160,000 motor …
Spending Returning to Normal
The line-ups at SARCAN are not getting any shorter but the hair salons and barbers appear to have caught up. Because we haven’t been through one of these …
Sask Exports Grow Through COVID Lockdown
One of the more interesting and often under estimated aspects of Saskatchewan and its economy is how we take a global view of things. For us, the world is our …
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Sask Job Numbers Top National Chart
With nearly 5,000 additional jobs being filled in the province in August, Saskatchewan has the lowest unemployment rate in the country. The monthly labor …
Forward-Facing Economic Forecasts
Whether this becomes part of the new normal remains to be seen but the rapidly changing economic environment brought on by the pandemic has changed the way …