In a world where social media is growing in importance for corporate communication and businesses are being told at every opportunity they need to build a …
Buying Local Hits Home
A new study on the impact of the resource sector’s procurement policies have on the Saskatchewan economy offer some reinforcement for the Buy Local mantra …
Guarding the Eggs in Your Basket
To borrow a line from Fiddler on the Roof: If I were a Rich Man…..what would I do with that wealth? Well, a new survey of high net worth Canadians conducted …
Time to Get on the Population Bandwagon Again
It was 20 years ago when a seminal paper that helped foster a new view of this province was released and one of its tenets was for Saskatchewan to focus …
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Judging the Job Numbers
The numbers look good but it’s hard to figure out where they come from. We got the monthly job figures on Friday – they were for August - and once …
The Power of Head Offices
It’s a topic that, unfortunately, we don’t talk about much in this province but a development in the past few days reinforces the need for it to get …