Higher interest rates are pushing people to look closely at any plans they may have for purchasing a house. But not all parts of the country are handling it in …
[Read more...] about Interest rate hike less critical to home buyers in Saskatchewan
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Saskatchewan's Trusted News Source - powered by Martin Charlton Communications
Higher interest rates are pushing people to look closely at any plans they may have for purchasing a house. But not all parts of the country are handling it in …
[Read more...] about Interest rate hike less critical to home buyers in Saskatchewan
When central bankers began raising interest rates in their fight with inflation, they were hoping that higher borrowing costs would encourage Canadians to cut …
[Read more...] about Canadians beginning to spend less as interest rates rise
The latest report on inflation -- as measured by the Consumer Price Index or CPI -- showed things were improving from June to July as increases in the cost of …
[Read more...] about National Bank economists question numbers used to calculate inflation
We are now starting to get a handle on how home buyers and sellers are responding to rising interest and mortgage rates. The economists at RBC focus on …
[Read more...] about Interest rate increases already changing home ownership
The indicators are starting to point in the same direction: that interest rates are more likely to fall than to rise. That is something of a contradiction of …
[Read more...] about Interest Rates More Likely to Go Down than Up
For the past few years we’ve heard successive finance ministers and the Bank of Canada governor cautioning Canadians on the amount of debt they carry. They …