Saskatchewan’s economic growth this year and next year should be second only to Alberta’s, according to the latest economic forecast from BMO Bank of …
[Read more...] about Economic growth for two years forecast for Saskatchewan
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Saskatchewan's Trusted News Source - powered by Martin Charlton Communications
Saskatchewan’s economic growth this year and next year should be second only to Alberta’s, according to the latest economic forecast from BMO Bank of …
[Read more...] about Economic growth for two years forecast for Saskatchewan
If you’ve ever watched the TV show Friends, you not only get a few laughs. It also provides a quick lesson on residential economics. Housing costs a lot of …
[Read more...] about Saskatchewan housing more affordable than other Canadian provinces
We’ve got our first estimate of the size of this year’s crop in Saskatchewan and it is quite improvement over last year when drought was the headline …
[Read more...] about Saskatchewan crop yields projected to be much higher in 2022
There are more jobs going unfilled in Saskatchewan than there are people who are unemployed. That is a first for this province. Even if every unemployed …
[Read more...] about Saskatchewan employers need to fill 27,000 jobs
Saskatchewan is leading the way within Canada to accelerate the development of a supply chain of rare earth elements (REEs) that will help meet a growing need …
[Read more...] about Establishing a world-class rare earth elements supply chain in Saskatchewan
The latest report on inflation -- as measured by the Consumer Price Index or CPI -- showed things were improving from June to July as increases in the cost of …
[Read more...] about National Bank economists question numbers used to calculate inflation