Sometimes we have to watch for the little things that add up to something bigger -- and we’re starting to see some of those little things in the fight against …
[Read more...] about Inflation prompting Canadians to closely watch finances
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Saskatchewan's Trusted News Source - powered by Martin Charlton Communications
Sometimes we have to watch for the little things that add up to something bigger -- and we’re starting to see some of those little things in the fight against …
[Read more...] about Inflation prompting Canadians to closely watch finances
With inflation hitting Canadians' pocket books and interest rates on the rise, there is no shortage of tension in the field of personal money management these …
[Read more...] about Money management skills valued by Canadians facing inflation
It’s only on paper but it’s still almost a trillion dollars. That’s how much the net worth of Canadians fell in the second quarter of this year, according to …
[Read more...] about Canadians’ decline in net worth less severe in Saskatchewan
The Bank of Canada’s decision to raise interest rates another three-quarters of a point is pouring plenty of cold water on the Canadian economy -- but there may …
[Read more...] about Rate hikes like pouring cold water on Canadian economy
This is bank rate week, the time when Canada’s central bank decides on the rate it charges banks. The last time was in July when the Bank of Canada raised …
[Read more...] about Bank of Canada expected to raise rate again
The latest report on inflation -- as measured by the Consumer Price Index or CPI -- showed things were improving from June to July as increases in the cost of …
[Read more...] about National Bank economists question numbers used to calculate inflation