We talked with Jeff Tomlin, the Chief Marketing Officer of Vendasta. Vendasta is a platform for selling digital solutions for local businesses and is one of …
COVID Halved April Bar and Restaurant Sales in Saskatchewan
It is no secret that the food and beverage business was one sector that got hit the hardest in the COVID pandemic but the impact was not even across the …
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And Now the Revisions are Being Revised
For an economist trying to forecast how the COVID pandemic is changing the economy, decision making is not very easy these days. There’s pressure for …
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Saskatchewan Retailers Continue to Showcase Their Strength
With the passing weeks, we are now getting into territory where StatsCan has the data to determine the magnitude of the impact of social distancing and pandemic …
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Too Small to Fail
In the banking crisis of 10 years ago, the theme of the day centred on saving some financial institutions because they were too big to fail. Fast forward a …
COVID Delivers Government a $2.4 billion Hit
$2.5 billion. That’s the government’s forecast for the provincial deficit for the current fiscal year. Just a few months ago the provincial government was on …
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