The art of business ownership is taking risk. But that usually means calculated risk…knowing how to weigh the pros and cons in making a decision. Risk comes …
A Billion Dollar Gig
This is a day when we stimulate the economy by giving kids candy. Well, then there’s the costume thing too and that’s not restricted to children. There’s no …
Putting More People on the Radar
One notable element of the provincial Throne Speech that opened the current session of Legislature a few days ago centred on the province’s population. …
We’re Not Alone
When the quarterly forecasts for provincial economic performance are issued by the chartered banks we start to get a feel for which way things are headed: …
Consensus is Building on Outlook
The quarterly reports or forecasts on the provincial economy issued by the nation’s chartered banks are starting to flow. And there is a consistency …
A Good Omen – Retail Sales Rise
The easiest way to track consumer spending is through the monthly report on retail sales volumes. It compiles total revenues at stores and the like to see …