Sometimes we have to watch for the little things that add up to something bigger -- and we’re starting to see some of those little things in the fight against …
[Read more...] about Inflation prompting Canadians to closely watch finances
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Saskatchewan's Trusted News Source - powered by Martin Charlton Communications
Sometimes we have to watch for the little things that add up to something bigger -- and we’re starting to see some of those little things in the fight against …
[Read more...] about Inflation prompting Canadians to closely watch finances
The massive swings we’ve been seeing in the monthly job numbers report for Saskatchewan continued in October. Statistics Canada released the monthly survey …
[Read more...] about Job numbers continue to swing in Saskatchewan
Canada’s trading relationship with customers around the world was good in September. Exports were up and imports were down – factors that saw our trade …
[Read more...] about Western Canada’s performance boosts Canada’s trade balance
Something has sparked a heightened interest in the concept of owning a rental property. It might be the popularity of home improvement shows on TV, …
[Read more...] about More families supported by rental income in Saskatchewan
The introduction of the Saskatchewan First Act by the provincial government is something of a back to the future move reminiscent of the 1970s in …
[Read more...] about Introducing Saskatchewan First Act sending province back to the future
The Fraser Institute has done another of its deep dives into the Canadian tax system and found it’s not exactly the 80-20 rule -- but it is getting …
[Read more...] about More than half of taxes paid by wealthy Canadians