As the Canadian economy continues its slowdown, even though our biggest trading partner and customer south of the border is posting strong growth numbers, …
A New Invoice Line
With the carbon tax Constitutional challenge hitting the courts in Alberta and SaskPower announcing they were raising rates at the beginning of next …
Vehicle Sales Lagging by 10-Percent
This is not shaping up to be a merry Christmas season for the province’s auto dealers. Figures on new car and truck sales take a couple months to compile so …
Job numbers Fall Again
The monthly survey of who’s working and who’s not has produced another negative number – both nationally and regionally. Interestingly, the last time we had …
Saskatchewan’s Private Sector
Just over 40,000 - that’s the number of businesses in this province with employees. It’s been a while since the size of the private sector made waves in the …
Make That a Coffee Please
This province stood out by itself in September when it comes to the amount of money being spent in bars and restaurants. This might sound a bit …